Checking personal activity history
In the Security menu, you can review records of security-related activities. If you are the Owner of the organization, you can check both your own activity history and the activity history of other members. On the "My Activity" tab, you can view your own security activity records, and on the "Member Activity" tab, you can see the activity records of other members within the organization. Activities such as login, logout, password changes, and MFA activation and deactivation are logged, and you can review the most recent 1,000 entries. The table also includes the modified date and IP address.
Checking organizational security activity history
On the "Organization History" tab, you can review the organization's security activity history. Activities such as organization creation, deletion, and name changes are recorded, and you can query the most recent 1,000 entries. The table includes the modified date, the actor's email address, and the affiliated organization.