My Commitments
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You can check commitment contract information on one screen.
Select a cloud service: When you select a cloud service, the information will be displayed on the screen based on the selected cloud service.
Select period: Select a period to check information.
Select tab: Select a tab.
Recommendations tab: Displays the commitment recommendations for saving costs.
Utilization tab: The utilization is one of the indicators of how well you are using or benefiting from the commitment. This is the percentage of the used commitment out of the total purchased commitment. In a sense, the higher the utilization, the greater the cloud cost savings.
Coverage tab: The coverage is another indicator of how well you are using or benefiting from the commitment. This shows how much of your cloud usage was covered by the purchased commitments.
Inventory tab: The Inventory tab provides information about your purchased commitments. Learn more about the active commitments that are currently in use. Plan for additional purchases if your commitment expiration date is approaching.