My Commitments

You can easily and conveniently check the information on various cloud services on single screen.

Useful Contents

  1. Select cloud service: Select a cloud service. Information about the selected cloud service will be displayed on the screen below.

  2. Select period: Select the period for which you want to view the information.

  3. Select tab: Select the preferred tab.

  • Recommendations tab: Displays information on recommended commitments that can save costs.

  • Utilization tab: Displays information on resource utilization. Utilization indicates how effectively users are using their purchased commitments. A higher utilization rate means that the commitment resources are being used properly to reduce cloud resource costs.

  • Coverage tab: Displays information on resource coverage. A higher coverage rate means that the benefits of the commitment are being maximized. A low coverage, suggest that resources could benefit from commitment discounts, but the actual discount is not applied, so the potential savings are high. Therefore, you can purchase recommended items to achieve cost savings.

  • Inventory tab: View the contract information for your commitments. Check the expiration dates of your commitments and plan to purchase additional commitments in advance.

Last updated