Recommendations Tab
Last updated
Last updated
Displays the commitment recommendations for saving costs.
Savings Plans/Reserved Instance tabs: You can select the tab to check information by commitment type.
Savings Plans tab: You can check the commitment recommendations of the Savings Plans. The Savings Plans is a discount model that provides low pricing for cloud products usage by committing to an hourly usage fee for one or three years.
Reserved Instance tab: You can check the commitment recommendations of the Reserved Instance. The Reserved Instance is a discount model that provides low pricing by reserving capacity and resources in a specific availability zone for 1 or 3 years.
Search conditions: You can check information by selecting products, cloud accounts, and period.
OpsNow Insight AI: Displays the commitment recommendations with AI.
List of commitment combinations: Displays a list of possible commitments through combinations of prepayment, period, product, etc. The recommendations will be labeled ‘Recommended’, while the lowest cost will be labeled ‘Lowest Cost’. Click on an item and its details will appear below.
Commitment detailed information: Displays the detailed information for the item selected in the list of commitment combinations. To purchase the selected recommended plan, click the [Purchase Savings Plans/Reserved Instance] button in the upper right corner.