Exclusion from Recommendation tab
Last updated
Last updated
Use the Exclusion Tag to remove specific resources from the recommendation list in order not to receive recommendations for certain resources.
Search bar: You can search information by entering a search text.
[+ Add] button: Click this button to add items to exclude from recommendations.
Exclusion from Recommendation list: Displays the list of exclusion from recommendations.
[Cancel]/[Save] buttons: After adding items, click the [Save] button to save changes. To cancel changes, click the [Cancel] button.
You can set the exclusion from recommendations by following the steps below:
When you click the [+ Add] button on the right side of the screen, a new item will appear in the table.
Select the Tag Key and Tag Value to exclude from recommendations.
Click the [Save] button at the bottom right to save changes.
To delete an added item, click the recycle bin icon at the right side of the item.