Right Sizing Tab

You can set conditions for recommendations to apply to the Right Sizing analysis for each cloud service. After changing the settings, click the [Save] button at the bottom right to save changes.

You can change settings for the Right Sizing analysis as follows:

  • [%Product name] Right Sizing Settings: You can reset settings to default conditions by clicking the [Reset settings] button.

  • Data Analysis Period: You can select a period for the Right Sizing analysis.

  • Idle: Recommend to terminate the resource if the usage is less than the defined usage after analyzing the usage of CPU, Network, and Memory. To use this condition, set the [On/Off] button in the upper right corner to On.

  • Downsize: Recommend to change to a lower price of resource if it falls below the usage defined during setting after analyzing the usage of CPU, Network, and Memory. To use this condition, set the [On/Off] button in the upper right corner to On.

  • Upsize: Recommend to change to a higher performance resource if the usage exceeds the defined threshold after analyzing the usage of CPU, Network, and Memory. To use this condition, set the [On/Off] button in the upper right corner to On.

Last updated